S3 Batch Operations - Lambda
A brief guide outlining the process of setting up and running S3 Batch Operations Jobs with Lambda integration
A brief guide outlining the process of setting up and running S3 Batch Operations Jobs with Lambda integration
Here are some notes and real-world examples that I’ve gathered along the way, illustrating the use of pytest fixtures to enhance your architectural decisions for your testing module.
Exploring ways of configuring AWS Glue output file size and merging small files in post-processing stage for efficient Athena queries.
Exploring how AWS CloudWatch alarms work, how to define them in a CDK application, and how to work with periods, evaluation ranges, and missing data.
The goal of this project is to create a system that allows scientists to automate numerical calculations and easily integrate ML models for numerical predictions
Implementing authentication in FARM stack - FastAPI, React, and MongoDB - Using JSON Web Token (JWT).
A guide explaining how to set up your local machine for Python projects and overview of most common tools used during development
Understanding libraries and building OpenMPI, BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, NetCDF, Flook, and SIESTA with TBTrans and other utilities from source.
Sharing my AWS Data Analytics Specialty exam experience, resources, tricks and tips, study notes etc.
Exploring PGAS paradigm and playing around with coarrays in Fortran
Learning about the basics of systemd, dependencies, unit files, service configuration, and how to set up custom applications as systemd services
Setting up GitLab CI/CD locally and exploring ways of generating nested parent-child pipelines
Methods of deploying custom models inside Docker images using the SageMaker and serverless inference
Exploring the structure of popular Big Data file formats
A simple application that implements DynamoDB Stream, Lambda, and S3 services in a local setup
Basics of seq2seq architecture, ANNs, multilingual model, and how to use them to achieve scalable multilingual semantic search
Using DICOM open source libraries to process DICOM files
Introduction to the DICOM file format